

Our Mission: Empower Do-It-Yourself Investors with Free Academic-based Research & Resources for Life-long Investing

Paul, Chris and Daryl, love your channel and continue to learn so much. I have reallocated around 2 years ago after watching your channel to include 6% small value and 10% large value. Thank you so much for all you do! And love all the data your share!  @sarahsunsetpark

"You and the team have put together such a nice package on historical results of factor/asset class investing. Its really easy to read the portfolio histories with the quilt charts, tell-tale charts, the tables of returns, etc. Its really a great body of work and foundation you have created." T.O.

"Thank you for creating and sharing the analysis and quilt charts. The colorful quilts across many years are great, but the return rank frequency analysis are the real gems! The presentation is a great educational tool!"

"We know that small cap value will be a bumpy ride. Fortunately in recent times, the bumps have been upward. Roughly 25-30% of my and my kids' retirement portfolios are in small cap value (AVUV), and I have you and your colleagues, Mr. Merriman, to thank for it."

Excellent work gentlemen. Thank you for your devotion and for the time that you invest into making these recommendations.
-Comment on video on 
Best in Class recommendations 

"Great video!! Love hearing Paul's investing philosophy and the work he's doing. Thanks for the episode." @juicyfruit100x (Paula Pant Interview)

Thanks to Paul Merriman for your many thoughtful, useful articles backed by deep research and analysis of data beyond the reach of individual investors. Like many of us, Paul's views have evolved with time and experience in the market: he's come a long way from when I first encountered him with his book 40 years ago on moving averages! The market humbles us all (well most of us!) and offers instruction for those with a mind willing to learn. (From the comment section following Paul’s October AAII Journal article.)

 "I am an engineer and can’t stop watching all of your podcasts/videos!"

"Merriman and his band of merry men have changed my life. Thank you so much to the whole team. PS: Chris, I would love to be half the teacher you are some day." @noveltyrobot

"A wonderful, quality, laudable discussion. Paul Merriman is a sage and a national treasure. As a DIYer, I know I.have learned so much valuable information from him. Thank you both for all you are doing to spread the word, to inspire and to educate the public and in particular the FI Community. It is very much appreciated." @CIASOMCIASOM

Thank you Paul, thank you Chris for the generosity of sharing this content. It is priceless for those of us who study it, but most importantly use it to take action to invest and bless others with the fruit of the investments. L.G.

"The tools and content you provide have changed my life! In particular, the quilt charts, the lifetime investment calculator, and the summaries from Chris on the 2 funds for life strategy have been most impactful – along with the many videos and podcasts that explore real questions, with real, specific answers. I have passed on your content, along with some demos to everyone I know – several are work friends who just had babies, so they were particularly interested in your recommendations on how to save for a new child." D.C.

"I am glad you wrote a column in Marketwatch. I read it, followed the bread crumb trail to your website and became an aficionado. You were the rare gem in Marketwatch. I canceled my subscription (after about 3 years) and donate to your foundation instead.” R.R

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