When the market finally turns around and heads back up, what kind of portfolios are likely to perform better than the market in general? In this podcast Paul shares what he calls the Comeback Portfolio. During the discussion he uses some existing tables plus a couple of new tables to make his case. For those who want to download the tables here are the links in order of use:
Summary of 1, 15 and 40 years of Equity Returns (1928-2019)
Table 1 and Table 3 from Annualized Asset Class Returns by Decade: 1930-2019
Ultimate Buy and Hold Worldwide Equity Portfolio Tables (50% US / 50% Int'l)
4-Fund Combo Equity Portfolio Tables (100% US / 00% Int’l)
Fine-Tuning Table 4-Fund Combo Equity Portfolio
On April 11, Silicon Valley AAII is hosting an online workshop with Paul and Chris Pedersen. For those interested in attending please find the details at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sv-aaii-april-main-event-the-ultimate-buy-and-hold-strategy-tickets-100032899094
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