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There has been a lot of anti small cap value articles and podcasts over the last several years. I have been asked many times whether I think the small cap value premium is a thing of the past.In this podcast I have addressed the most commonly discussed criticisms of small cap value. During the presentation I reference a blog entitled,"Small-Cap Value Stocks: Diversification or Di-WORSE-fication?⁠"

The Early Retirement Now newsletter is written by Karsten Jeske, PhD, CFA. Here is a ⁠video⁠ of a friendly debate that Karsten and I had on the “Forget About Money” podcast. Listeners will learn that Karsten and I have very different beliefs about what returns best represent the small cap value premium. I reference the real time Morningstar performance results of DFFVX (2000 to present), DFSVX (1993 to present) and AVUV (2019 to present).

During my discussion I reference ⁠Table G-1b, Fine Tuning Table: S&P 500 vs. US SCV Equity Porfolio - Out-Performance⁠ and ⁠Table H2a - Sound Investing Portfolios: Comparison Data ⁠

I also referenced a Q&A response on Truth Teller Rob Berger regarding his ⁠personal take on small cap value in his own portfolio⁠

I also mention the interview with Jim Dahle at the 2024 Bogleheads Conference.⁠

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