If a retired investor has the ability to use a flexible distribution strategy it will likely produce one of the best financial outcomes in retirement. In this presentation Paul compares the difference in returns and risk between the fixed and flexible distribution strategies.
The discussion compares returns and total distributions for two of the 9 sound investing portfolios.
In the presentation he makes use of the following tables:
Table D1.3 Fixed Distribution S&P 500 Equity Portfolio ($30,000/yr)
Table D1.5 Fixed Distribution S&P 500 Equity Portfolio ($50,000/yr)
Table E1.3 Flexible Distribution U.S. 4-Fund Equity Portfolio (3%/yr)
Table E1.4 Flexible Distribution U.S. 4-Fund Equity Portfolio (4%/yr)
Table E1.5 Flexible Distribution U.S. 4-Fund Equity Portfolio (5%/yr)
Table E1.6 Flexible Distribution U.S. 4-Fund Equity Portfolio (6%/yr)
For those interested in the historical returns of the 9 portfolios, as well as the complete list of flexible distribution tables:
50/50 Sound Investing Portfolio
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