Chris Pedersen updates his recommendations and describes his selection process in an interactive presentation with Paul and Daryl along for the ride.
This "Best In Class ETFs Recommendations" presentation is the 9th in the Boot Camp Series. (We have not completed some of the earlier presentations due to the high interest in Chris' Best In Class Recommendations).
The focus of each the Boot Camp presentation is to help investors make the best of what we consider to be the biggest long term decisions they will make.
Of course we cannot know the ETFs that will produce the highest returns but we can measure the likely impact of the factors that Chris discusses during his presentation.
On behalf of all of the people who find this work helpful, as well as Daryl Bahls and myself, I want to thank Chris Pedersen for all he has done to help us understand the potential long term advantage of his analysis. It is our hope that his work will give investors the confidence and commitment to “stay the course" in the normal ups and downs of the market.
00:00:00 - Intro
00:07:15 - Changes
00:12:31 - Factor Basics
00:18:00 - Selection Criteria
00:20:21 -- Quantifying Differences
00:24:32 -- Comparing in an Asset Class
00:31:10 -- More than just numbers
00:32:12 -- BIC ETFs on Website
00:33:05 -- US Large Cap Blend
00:34:33 -- US Large Cap Value
00:37:40 -- US Small Cap Blend
00:42:30 -- Int'l Large Cap Value
00:43:30 -- Int'l Small Cap Blend
00:44:15 -- Em. Mkts Small Cap Blend
00:44:50 -- Portfolio Configurator
00:46:25 -- Roboadvisor ETFs
00:51:06 -- Versus Russell 2,000?
00:54:00 -- Avantis & DFA Advantage
01:03:36 -- Analysis Timeframes
01:04:44 -- Closing Remarks
Best-in-Class ETF Recommendations Page
Sound Investing Portfolios Bootcamp Page
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