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The following questions were sent from the October 11, 2023 presentation to the NYC AAII Chapter.

You can watch the video here-

Chris Pedersen's section starts at 59:00. Paul and Chris conclude with a Q&A session.

  1. If I have a pension and social security that cover my cost of living, is it inappropriate to have 100% of my long term portfolio in stocks?
  2. How should I create a do it yourself target date fund using one of your Sound Investing portfolios? 
  3. What are the tax implications of the portfolios you recommend? Are some better for taxable accounts?
  4. Paul, do you invest in any individual stocks? If not, why not?
  5. I have relied on professional managers for most of my life but would like to quit paying the fees to have someone else do it. How can one feel confident in taking over the management of an account?
  6. What about 50% half small cap value and S&P, AND 50% in a target date fund?
  7. If I am dollar cost averaging is there a point (size of market decline) at which it would make sense to go ahead and invest it all?
  8. Does it make THAT big of a difference if someone lump sums vs dollar cost averaging? which is better/worse?
  9. Is there a small cap value emerging markets ETF you recommend for best in class?
  10. No investment advisor I know recommends a 100% allocation to small value. More common is a tilt toward the favored factor, say, 80% in the market and 20% in small value. What do you recommend?
  11. Do you recommend tax loss harvesting in a taxable account?



12. Does a large cap blend fund that’s equal-weighted compare well with a cap-weighted fund? 

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